
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Owl costume

I finally finished my son's owl costume! Let me just say, designing a costume for a two-year-old is not my favorite thing, especially when that two-year-old tantrumed every time I attempted a fitting. But seeing my little man in it made it all worth it! Earlier I came across a little owl bank from Urban Outfitters on Pinterest and used it for my inspiration as I made my own flannel version.When it was all said and done, I think even my costume-hating son liked it since he proudly paraded it around for the rest of the night. I am now fully convinced that Halloween was made for mothers.

The leggings were made out of an old orange and white striped polo t-shirt that I died yellow and then made into matching pants. Here is how I made them.


  1. Malinda,
    This costume is FABULOUS...freaking out at how cute this is! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Aw, it's SO cute! I think this is my favorite costume you've created so far, which is saying a lot since every single costume you've done has blown me away!

  3. This is absolutely adorable!!! i saw you link up at hideous, dreadful, stinky :)

  4. Adorably done. I also made an owl costume this year...on a much smaller scale. I love how you made yours. :)

  5. Fantastic job!!! I don't have that much ambition but I am pinning it.

  6. That is ADORABLE! ~ Barbara @

  7. I love this one, too. And I absolutely feel for you on the full-on tantrums at every fitting... my almost-two-year-old was exactly the same. At least they love them when they're done, right? :) Totally worth it. It's adorable.

  8. Ahhh what a hoot hoot cutie!!

    I have a few owls over at my place too:))

    Happy Halloween and dreaming under the table...

    Stop by for a slice of pie!

    Kay Ellen

  9. Oh my gosh, these costumes are all so amazing. You have quite a talent. I just found your blog and find it so inspiring.
